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The AQUAPHOENIX action plan is organised across seven work packages, in which industry-leading partners work collaboratively to scientifically validate, implement, scale and share clean aquaculture solutions and sustainable uses of sludge.


Development and demonstration of SludgeCollect

Install, demonstrate and optimise “SludgeCollect” –  novel technologies that harvest sludge (waste) from open pen fish farms – at active production sites in Hardangerfjord, Norway. Test and verify the transferability of sludge collection technology to production sites in the Åland archipelago, Finland.


Determine the seafloor environmental impact of aquaculture emissions and effects of sludge removal

Assess the seafloor environmental effects of traditional aquaculture including pollution, ecosystem degradation and loss of biodiversity. Validate how sludge collection technology mitigates these effects and helps restore seafloor ecosystems.


Measure and model sludge removal consequences for the pelagic ecosystem

Assess the environmental impacts of sludge collection technology including its effects on nutrient levels, organic matter dispersal and local species. Model what-if scenarios to understand the impact of implementing this technology at full scale. 


Sludge processing and downstream valorisation pathways

Grow the circular value of aquaculture waste. Develop and demonstrate the scalable uses of sludge as a circular resource for producing renewable energy, sustainable fertiliser and novel food and feed ingredients.


Enabling scale through novel governance and policy innovation

Engage industry, policy and research stakeholders at a local, regional and national level. Inform effective policies and incentives for adopting circular aquaculture.


Maximising impact: communications, dissemination and exploitation

Communicate and maximise the societal, environmental and economic value of AQUAPHOENIX. 


Project coordination and data management

Coordinate efficient execution of project activities and objectives. Ensure smooth collaboration among all partners. 


Funded by the European Union under grant agreement no.101182028. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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